
Berry Blossom is a popular indica strain due to it's consistent bushy size.  This strain can grow six feet tall when grown indoor or in a greenhouse. Staking is required during the flowering stage when the buds get heavy.  This strain has a higher concentration of CBD than other strains. Test early and often to ensure the THC level does not exceed maximum allowed. Berry Blossom has a fragrant citrus and herbal terpene profile.

Mold and Mildew Resistance: Somewhat susceptible to mold on lower branching, be sure to trim smaller undergrowth
Appearance: Consistent appearance, abundant trichomes
Terpenes: Orange, Cinnamon, Pine, Chamomile, Hops
Flowers: Medium size dense buds, sweet smelling
Phenotypes: Consistent structure across population
Branching Structure: Indica dominant, less buds on lower branches
Plant Size: Medium plant size, bushy, allow 4'x5' spacing between plants
Yield: Consistent sized buds have high yield
Maturation Time: Consistent across population, early to mid length (4-6 weeks)
Population Average CBD: THC Ratio: 29:1
Finishing Time: Middle (6-8 weeks)
Average CBD: THC ratio- 29:1
Otis Rocky Mountain Hemp Farm
PO Box 1074, Durango, CO 81302
Contact Us
Stacy Aldridge: (970) 618-1609
Norah Hurley: (970) 618-5788

Website Disclosure: There is general information about diet, health and nutrition on this website. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Disclosure: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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